Hey guys, I practice Wing Chun 2 hours every week (Wednesdays) and I have no idea how to log this onto my exercise diary. Have you guys had similar problems or do you practice a martial art too that you cannot log on here? It's not a big deal but I just would like to log it just to keep a note of everything >< Sorry for…
Hey guys, so I had to visit the hospital over the weekend for a jaw problem I've been having. I've been told to keep taking ibuprophen and focus on eating softer foods. (My recently fruit lunch of apples and grapes, etc is out the window now) :/ Could you guys give me any suggestions of foods I could replace these with so…
Hey guys! Newbie here >///< Hope you're all doing well :) I just wanted to get some suggestions for a good post workout lunch please :) I have a 45minute spin class booked for tomorrow lunchtime and was planning on just boiling some tortellini tonight and eating it cold for lunch after my class. I'm terrible with nutrition…
Hey guys! I've been not very active on this site for a while but have decided to take this a little more seriously this time. Food diaries have never usually worked out for me and it is the diet/food (I hate using the word diet) side of it that I fail at most. I could be at the gym at a class every evening if I could be ><…