Not seeing nutrition info when entering food in anymore
Why cant i see the nutrition and calories before adding to my diary anymore?
Online visual weight loss motivation!
www.modelmydiet.com You type in your weight and height vs goal weight and see the difference! I thought this was pretty cool and accurate!
Pregnant woman asked to leave gym because of her belly?!?
http://www.nbc12.com/story/25341074/pregnant-woman-asked-to-leave-sc-gym-because-her-belly-was-showing What do you think about this?
April Fools!!
Anyone on here pull of a good April Fools prank? If so what did you do? I told my fiance i lost my engagement ring at work! (i work at a hospital) He bought it, and started freaking out with me. I had him going then told him it was just a joke :p :devil:
Too many vitamins??
Is there such thing as taking too many different vitamins? I already take a multi vitamin, Omega 3, and vitamin c (Supposedly helps with blood pressure) but thinking of adding vitamin B-2 would that be okay? Or Biotin?
Cookie dough greek yogurt!! Yum!
Hey, check out this pin on Pinterest: Cookie dough greek yogurt?! I have to try this! Just add 1 tbsp. of creamy peanut butter, 1 tbsp. of honey, 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract, 1 tbsp. of miniature chocolate chips and a dash of sea salt. http://pinterest.com/pin/553731716656485600/
crossfit circuit help
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=CFxUyVEC9Tr5rM&tbnid=WTW_3MGsUch3jM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http://www.pinterest.com/tina51/crossfit/&ei=0XfNUrG4NJT62gXho4D4Cg&bvm=bv.58187178,d.b2I&psig=AFQjCNGmLY8TTETN60KbAvduhUH942Sdmg&ust=1389283662121984 Saw this work out on Pinterest but i'm…
when ever i eat ANYTHING my stomach looks huge!! Advice?!
Im so tired of after eating anything even salad my stomach gets instantly bigger i feel like thats not normal? Any suggestions on how to maybe how to help this??