I'm 18, male, 168lbs. Rugby player, but the season has now finished, so only exercise I do is dumbbell workouts throughout week, and one 30 min run a week. Have used this app to lose weight, however I'm now at a comfortable level and wish to start working out and gaining muscle-mass. However I don't know what my daily…
Basically I've lost 30odd lbs and I think I look fine, my BMR is now within a healthy range and I feel better about myself. I still have a little fat around my chest and abdominal region which I was hoping to lose a bit of by reaching my target weight of 12stone exactly. I'm 18 and 6ft 0inches tall, 175lbs, and have been…
I read everywhere how beans are a good food to eat, as theyre a good, filling meal with high protein. My question is, (and excuse me if I'm being really stupid here).. what beans, and how should I eat them?! I mean, with baked beans it's obvious, they're already in sauce etc, just cook em up and eat them! But I highly…