I work with a bunch of attorneys and they are always commenting on my weightloss progress... well... Cathi... one of my favorite people in the whole world, comes in to my office and asks if I'd be interested in a 1 yr premium membership to 10 Fitness!!! hands me a certificate she bid on in a silent auction at the chamber…
Hello all! I'm Dee and I have fibro, arthritis and bursitis... I am 46 yrs old, single mom of 3 (21, 17, 8) and I am GOING to find ways to get fit and healthy!! LOL I look forward to reading the posts and getting some ideas that I maybe can fit into my routine.
Hello all, today is my first day utilizing this site... I recently had weight loss surgery and I hope to use this site to help track my intake, exercise and progress... I have 100+ pounds to lose! I know that WLS is but a tool in my arsenal... I must employ healthy eating habits and exercise habits as well. I hope to find…