Summer Movies 2018
So what's still coming up this summer that people are excited about? Black Panther, Deadpool and the Avengers are all done, what's on the horizon. I'm a Marvel fan, so Ant Man and the Wasp looks fun, Missions Impossible will finally let us see Henry Cavil's magnificent moustache and some great fight scenes with Tom Cruise.…
Would you pick up the poster above as a hitchhiker
A fun road trip game I like to play, when you see a hitchhiker, you comment on whether you would or wouldn't pick them up.
Fantastic Beasts
Saw it last night, I really liked it. I enjoyed the expanded world of Harry Potter, it sounds like there is a plan for 4 more movies, looks like it will be fun. (I spent the entire movie trying to figure out why I recognized Jacob, only to go on to IMDB and see it was Dan Fogler.)
52 pounds so far, need to keep it up
Hi, I thought I would post a progress photo. Last year I did a project where I took a photo a day for 365 days, so I was able to pick a picture nearly a year to the day. 365_05-19-10 by renku, on Flickr DSC_8746_Edit by renku, on Flickr