I recently started to walk about 10,000 steps a day and in about 2 weeks was able to push it up to 20,000 with no trouble at all and feel good about it. I weigh about 178 and my goal weight is 135lbs. First 10000 steps at 3mph and rest of steps I take it slower / varies. I don't see drop in pounds (water weight) except 1…
I am 3.5 postpartum as of today and very concerned about over eating. Pre pregnancy I had lost over 22lbs with lots of exercise and healthy diet. It took about 3 months but I did it with total dedication. Never took a single calorie for granted. Now post pregnancy I seem to eat everything that is edible 😣 I hate what I am…
Looking forward to buy either elliptical or treadmill. which one would you all think is best ? Heard treadmill burns more cals but gets hard on knee ... ?! I have googled but found same/similar articles. So can someone here with personal experience on the same shed some light ? Also is it true that these exercise machines…
Can varicose veins and cellulites be reduced with walking .. I am hitting 20000 steps most of the days and will start working soon. That will bring down the steps but I am thinking I can still manage 10000+ a day atleast. Will that help with cellulites and varicose ?
Just curious . I mentioned walkers only because right now the only form of exercise I am doing seriously is walking - 20,000 steps a day. So would like to know any "only walkers" like me counting calories ,with no other form of exercise and lost weight ? & in how many months/days with the pounds please. What else other…