Day 3: Rest Day
Hi everyone, Today is a rest day, and I needed a rest day. I kept up with my 45min. of yoga and then my walking regimen but I did not do the ab bonus workout like Zuzka suggested. I'll try it next rest day if my abs are not too sore. Did any of you try it? I hope everyone had a wonderful Tuesday, and is looking forward to…
Day 2: Workout 2
Hi everyone, So I didn't get a chance to post yesterday- but I finished my workout so at least I found the most important time. My time for this workout was 20:45, so well after Zuzka but oh well I will improve! I hope everyone is sticking with the program! Take one step at a time to not only improve yourself but improve…
Day 1: Workout 1
Hello everyone! So I've finished Day 1, and my first workout kicked my butt! I still consider myself a beginner, though I once worked out regularly, I haven't in a long time. So my time for today's time challenge was 18min 20sec- I completed my warm up before and the cool down after so about 33 minutes of work- and trust…
Starting tomorrow!
So tomorrow is Day 1 of the program! I'm getting up early to take pics, measuremts and get started! Workout 1 here I come!