how many calories should I be eating for weightloss?
Hi all. I'm confused with the number of calories I should be eating for fat loss. I burn roughly 1000 calories from my morning gym cardio and road jogging. (900 cals from gym cardio*tracking* and the 100 is an estimate from road jogging). In the evening I don't really count calories burned as I do strength training and…
over exercising or is this a good fitness plan
Hi all My starting weight is 73kg. 27% bodyfat. my ultimate goal is 50-52kg and 17% body fat. My short term goal is to lose 3/4kg and 2% body fat by 22nd october.I plan on burning 700 Calories this week and 1000 the next. My regime is as follows. -20 min elliptical -20 stationary bike 20 min treadmill 20 min stairmaster 60…
trouble staying motivated and committed
Hi All. I am Yamie from South Africa,I've been trying to lose weight and love handles since the age of 17,I joined the gym and would train hard but this came to an end in 2012 as I was diagnosed with depression and an eating disorder(I eat when I'm sad/bored/angry or any other negative emotion). Recently this year I joined…