over exercising or is this a good fitness plan

Hi all

My starting weight is 73kg. 27% bodyfat. my ultimate goal is 50-52kg and 17% body fat.
My short term goal is to lose 3/4kg and 2% body fat by 22nd october.I plan on burning 700 Calories this week and 1000 the next. My regime is as follows. -20 min elliptical
-20 stationary bike
20 min treadmill
20 min stairmaster
60 weighed squats
60 crunches and 60 side obliques
And a 30 uphill jog for this week and on Sundays I plan on doing the above excluding gym cardio combined with the super circuit and eating 1200-1500 cals a daily. I plan on steaming all my meals and grilling/frying only on cheat days. I will change and intensify my exercise routine after every 7 days.

Is this too much or will I be able to manage it?

PS: I am fairly fit and I want to achieve my goal by March 22.