how many calories should I be eating for weightloss?

Hi all.

I'm confused with the number of calories I should be eating for fat loss. I burn roughly 1000 calories from my morning gym cardio and road jogging. (900 cals from gym cardio*tracking* and the 100 is an estimate from road jogging). In the evening I don't really count calories burned as I do strength training and warm up with 3 sets of the super circuit. I'm worried that eating 1200 isn't healthy since I'd be technically living off 200 calories.

I steam 80% of my food,no salt/sugar. Fat free milk,green and herbal tea,lots of fruit and veggies,lots of peanut butter and little refined carbs and low G.I everything. Also,I don't eat any cereals other than oatmeal and weetbix. And I drink 3 litres of water a day (I'm always thirsty) add the 750ml I drink at gym too!!.

Please advice me on a better calorie in take for fat loss.


  • stacyjh1979
    stacyjh1979 Posts: 188 Member
    Age, height, current weight, goal weight? Those all factor into what you "should" be eating
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    The only way you can figure that out is by using MFP or another tool, inputting your height, age, weight, activity level, and figuring out what it takes to maintain that weight. 500 calories less per day will get you a 1 lb. a week loss, although the rule of thumb is not to eat less than 1200 a day. Because you are burning a lot with exercise, you might be able to eat around 2000 calories a day and still lose. It's more about number of calories than about what you eat (Calories in, calories out), although of course, getting good quality of food helps, which you seem to be doing, For instance, peanut butter may be healthy, but it is also very calorie dense, so you still have to watch how much of it you eat.
  • lisa_t62
    Hi, That seems too little to keep up your strength and health. If you are burning 1000 calories alone on cardio and only eating 1200 then I do belive that your metabolism will slow down.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    recommends 1200 + what ya using in exercise.

    so 1200 + 900 = 2100

    But if you feel able to handle it, try 1800 for a month, then can always drop a touch more a week at a time so your body can adapt.