uh-oh - http://www.cbsnews.com/news/too-much-running-tied-to-shorter-lifespan-studies-find/
I posted this on my wall, but thought it might be of interest to some here: Some of you maybe interested in this blog post about ITB issues and the relationship with run step width: http://www.kinetic-revolution.com/itb-syndrome-rehab-running-step-width-modification/# There is a useful proprioceptor cue that involves…
After an epic laptop crash, which landed it in the repair shop, I am pretty sure I lost my sport tracks data. It's no biggie, because I have the runs stored elsewhere. But, I like to some of the nitty gritty kind of analysis that I had with it, especially training load. Just wondering if any mfp'ers use training peaks and…
Hi all, I have a few friends who run and would like to add more. Seeing everyone's activity is very motivating! I am 45 yo and I haven't run since my days in the US Army Infantry (over 20 years ago! yikes). I have been hiking for a few years now and just started doing some running and I love it!. In my younger days, I…