Personally, I weigh less today than I did at Christmas 2007 That is a cause for celebration, how about you?
Well, last Monday I weighed myself at 220lbs with an aim to lose 28lbs by 1st July and a total of 52lbs by 31st December 2011 at the latest. I am now 7 days in and thus far finding myself rather content (especially as I have been running for the past 4 days burning over 300calories each run). Now I know I can do this, the…
...and so the journey begins (or rather, it began on Monday) As a blogger and twitter user I have just informed my readers that I have embarked on my journey to lose 52lbs - I aim to do this by 31st December with 28lbs being lost by July. The blog post is at…
A UK based blogger who works in the IT Seucrity field. I started this on Monday at 220lb and and currently at 218.5lb aiming to get to 168lb... I know I can do it as 16 years ago I lost 5 stone but gradually with stress, divorce, work, ex-wife and all that goes with it the comfort became not food alone but red wine coupled…