I hate them so much... I want to get into smaller jeans, but it seems like the only 2 things that are getting smaller is my stomach and my boobs! I need some guidance and support. Im very frustrated that my body also just doesnt feel like loosing weight right noe I was loosing weight very rapidly for a while. Every day the…
Is there a certain weight for everyone were they cant loose any more weight in a healthy way? or will I continue to loose weight if I continue to do everything I have been doing? I dont completly understand how this works, I guess. Someome please explain as in depth as possible! Thanks!
I am doing the 5k color run this summer (in about 4 months) and I need to get ready for it, but im not sure what to do. Obviously running but is there anything specific that would help? I run on treadmills a lot, but I dont feel like that is enough. And currently where I live there is an abundance of snow on the ground. I…