I have not ordered the package yet, nor am I going to for another week. However, I'm starting the Reset Phase on February 1st. I'm busy (seemingly all the time). I have work, a 2 year old son, and a fiance that doesn't live with me yet. I'm also looking for a house and trying to get my life to a point where the chaos can…
The beginning of last year, I was on Weight Watchers. I loved the thought of losing weight in order to get free gifts or awards for doing something I already planned to do. This only worked for a very short time. I got tired of calculating points and going to the meetings. I was also the youngest person there and I don't…
Hello everyone. I found this site on my phone, as an Android App, and after seeing some of the other diet/exercise apps with forums I thought I'd look at the website that went along with the application I liked the most. I'm not really looking for a quantitative result (i.e. loosing pounds), but more of a qualitative…