My C25K diary
Hi All, Looking for some friends who are at a similar stage of C25k as me. I've just completed week 1 and actually for someone who hasn't run since 2012 I thought it went ok. Run 1 Sunday was around a squash court with my kids and husband playing ball games and intermittently joining in. Distance 0.53 mile/0.85km Av HR 99…
Hairy Bikers Diet Club
Hi All, I am currently following the hairy bikers diet. I bought their cook book and the food is AMAZING!! All their meals are under 500 calories. They lost 3 stone each in 3 months. Since 7th January I have lost 12lbs. I am so happy I have finally found a real food diet! My partner, brother and his girlfriend plus a…
Hello Again!
Hi All, I'm back on MFP for the 5th time, but this time its for real! I had a very successful first meeting with MFP and then as I lost the weight I fooled myself into believeing I could do it on my own! Apparently I can't! I have put back on all the wieght I lost. I have now joined a gym and go 3 times a week. I got a new…
Running Anyone?
Today, I am going to start running! I have downloaded the runpal app and as soon as my iphone has synced and got some brilliant running track on it I am off! Only problem is I don't like running - probably coz I have never been able to do it. I'm going to go out on my own, as I feel I will put more effort in this way, and…
Hi All!, I attended my first Zumba session tonight and LOVED it! The zumba class is looking for more members so if there is anyone in the Kingston upon Thames area, looking for some fun fitness - and watching some of the older generation doing their best sexy moves (it entertained me for an hour) then come to Kingston…