Anyone want to connect through Fitbit?
How is everyone doing through the Holidays? I'll admit I've eaten a few too many cookies and plan on more baking! Lol can't help it love it and tis the season! I am doing TRX twice a week and spin once or twice. The other days I really try a walk or 30 min on the elliptical and some weights. Also trying so hard to stick to…
Meal plan
along with working out as many days per week I can I really try to meal plan our dinners. It helps with our budget, I can plan healthy meals and eliminates any dinner wondering stress. Anyone else meal plan? Whats for dinner this week? I work part time & my older son plays baseball so I often double recipes so we can have…
Workout Clothes!
I am searching for good quality workout clothes. Any suggestions for high impact pants & tops?
Hey mamas!
I've been on MfP for a while & my friends list is growing. I have been logging in almost daily for months but am always needing motivation. Would anyone be interested in a Facebook group for us? I never remember to check in with this community ! I would love to connect with others for encouragement and motivation
any mamas on Instagram? I like to upload a daily photo or two of my healthy living journey. It motivates me to share, and when I scroll through my photos to see a nice meal or great workout whatever it is. I'm cory__ over there. Add me : )
Meal Planning
does anyone meal plan? We really try hard to keep a good budget and stay eating healthy. Share your planning tips & go to recipes !
does anyone else use a Fitbit? I've had mine for 9 months & still love it. Great motivation and accountability tool. Always looking for new Fitbit friends & MFP friends - add me :)
Any suggestions for family friendly workouts on YouTube? I'm bored with 21 day fix & PiYO. Plus my 8 year old wants to workout with me :)
Getting fit while nursing
Anyone interested in adding me for inspiration & support? Also any tips, recipes, etc... I'm finding it really hard to find any time to exercise & some of my snacking are poor choices.