Brand new vegan - questions?
I am seriously considering adopting a vegan lifestyle but I have some questions and thought this would be the best place to ask them! I apologize if they've been asked/answered before (or if they're really stupid questions!) - I went through the message boards a few pages back and didn't see it in there. My first question…
Lean body mass - I am SO confused
So I hate BMI and wanted another way to be able to watch my progress besides just pounds and inches (also fun). I went to a body fat calculator (this one: http://www.active.com/fitness/calculators/bodyfat# ) which says my body fat is at 32%. Obviously a work in progress :) So my question comes from the lean body mass.…
nervous about moving to workouts 3/4...
Hi everyone! I'm new here and so glad there is a MFP board for BR. I just started week 2 and will be starting week 3 on Saturday if I stay on schedule, but I'm wondering if I should. I notice myself getting stronger each time I do the workouts over and that I can move a little faster, etc. But this is the first time I've…
best type of yoga for beginner
Hi everyone!! I am new to yoga, and by new I mean I have never done it before! I just signed up for yogadownloads.com to try it out (too shy right now to try any classes in person, but maybe if I get better I'll try one out) and they have classes for just about every different type of yoga it's a bit overwhelming. I know…