Quad pics
When guys pull their shorts up to show off their quads it looks silly- I just can't take those pics seriously. Guys- wear tight shorts or boxer briefs and show 'em off- that's hot, but for goodness sake stop pulling your baggy shorts up - you look like you are wearing a diaper, which is probably not the look you were going…
Olympic Lift- how did you ever get the form right?
I recognize I am only 1 week in to this new goal and realize everything takes time- but I really want to get this form down and it is testing my mind /muscle connection like nothing before. I can't seem to get the bar past my knees without loosing form. I stick my butt out, rotate my hips back, thrust my chest forward, but…
My "success story" with pics
I promised my FL that when I got my stuff together and submitted an entry for the “success stories” challenge at my gym I would post the details here also. Here is an abridged version of what I sent in. Still waiting to hear. My trainer is all faith and tells me they just have not made their decision yet- because once they…
My one year progress (just over 3 months with MFP)
Had my one year review of progress with my trainer last night. Was very curious to see how far I had come in terms of measurement- versus always using the scale as my validation. I was not disappointed. Here are my measurements from Apr 9, 2012 to May 9, 2013 Total Body Weight 214lbs ---> 169lbs Bicep 14 inches---> 12.5…
Need help with nutrition on a "soft" diet
Had gum graft surgery last Wednesday- cannot yet eat solid food. Eating lots of my protein shakes, yogurt, blended cottage cheese, soup, and not getting enough calories in. This is hindering my return to working out, making me sluggish, frustrated and angry. Any ideas for different ways to get my protein and goods in? I am…
Forearm pain from deadlifts.
I am really getting into my lifting, and I dig it when my trainer throws on more weight, but I am frustrated that after my first set my forearms start to crap out and then I start to loose grip. I now wear gloves and that has made it possible for me to deadlift 135 lbs and up to 20 reps, but I can't seem to get past 12…