What is so good about a sugary, black coloured biscuit with sugary white filling, neither having any flavour? Maybe you poor thing, have never tried yummy biscuits?
I'm 63, have Hashi's curse total thyroid failure and have been on statins for 14 years. Just 4'10"I tall, I have been an obese anorexic, after 2 years of struggling to lose every pound, I'm now an overweight anorexic. I have finally realised that my prescribed Atorvastatin is storing my calories as fat and won't allow my…
:drinker: In my long term weight loss challenge, I have found some great foods in my local supermarkets to make tasty low cal meals and snacks, as I'm sure others have. Let's share these ideas, try new foods and make recipes tastier! As an example, I ALWAYS like to have a jar of sliced lemons in my fridge and they will…