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How do I do this? Leigh
Crystal Light
Is Crystal Light bad for you? I have been substituting it for soda for a little bit. If it's fine for you, are you getting the same benefits from it as you are water? It is just water with a little powder in it, so I'm just curious if I should be drinking water separately from the Crystal Light. Does that make sense?…
Can't stop binging
I cannot stop binging. Can being off antidepressants cause a person to binge? I don't know what to do.
Ladies...Do married men constantly talk to you?
I seem to be the target for married men. I don't really know why. I'm in my twenties, single, and apparently too nice for my own good. Creepers pick me up on their radar pretty easily. I'm used to the lost puppies clinging on to me, but the number of married men that chat me up confuses me beyond recognition. What is it? I…
Has anyone had issues losing weight because of this? I just found out I have this and I'm wondering if I start meds for it if it will help me lose weight a bit more easily.
Any former EDers?
I'm in the process of overcoming bulimia. Looking for inspiration and tips on how to not be triggered. I can sit here all day long and tell myself how bad it is for me, but when I get stressed, it's an easy release.
I'm tired and bored
I just started working as a receptionist for a club last month. I was really excited at first, but today my enthusiasm is waning. I'm. So. Bored. And it's midday and I'm getting tired and wanting to go to lunch. I've been stuffing envelopes for the past two hours. Blah blah blah blah. :( Revive me.
Hi all, I'm here to introduce myself (haha). I've been on myfitnesspal for a while, but never really took advantage of the boards. I now work as a receptionist where work goes by slow, so why not get healthy tips while I'm doing nothing? :P I'm Leigh, and I'm a recovering bulimic. I found out not too long ago that I have…