I realized that I KNOW how to lose weight and it usually is pretty easy for me once I get started. After I lose a few pounds and people start noticing, I usually pile it back on. It's like I am afraid of losing all the fat because I can't stand the attention. I get much more attention from guys, and it can be really new…
How do you deal with family judging you? I need to lose about 80 lbs. I have been called fat by my parents since I was about 6 years old. My mom tries to feed me whenever I see her but comments on my weight. My dad outright tells me to go work out and that no guy will want me. I am 24 but this still affects me a lot. My…
I have 80lbs. to go and I am worried about my stretch marks on my stomach. They are red looking and cover up a large portion of the lower half of my stomach. I want to be able to wear a bikini and it upsets me to think that I won't be able to after I lose it. How do people deal with this?
I have 2 sisters and they feel like everything is a competition. I have always been "the fat one" so they have always used me to make themselves feel better. Has anyone dealt with jealous people? I always feel like they are checking me out and criticizing me.
Alright so I am 23 but people always think that I am around 19(i got 16 before). I really want to look older and I think because my face has no definition and my fat hides my curves I look younger. Did anyone look more mature when they lost weight?
I started a vegan diet two weeks ago and lost 7 pounds I have 87 pounds to reach my goal weight. I am noticing that as my confidence levels go up that my sister does not like it. I actually never realized this before, or I think I was in denial about it. I use food to block out my feelings. My sisters say they want what is…