I find I keep myself on track when I can communicate with people close by. It feels like I can't ignore your advice as much when you live near me! LOL Maybe you will hunt me down when I slack off ;) Also I am hoping that everyone is doing ok with all this FLOODING! It's been just awful for people in High River and Downtown…
I have always found it inspiring to look at images of the body that I want to have. And for me, it happens to be the body that I USED to have! How bout you? Do you use any photos as motivation? Could be your own past photos like me, or maybe a celebrity photo or just one you clipped out of a magazine?
I wrote this years ago. Thought it would be fun to perform on stage somewhere as a monologue. But I haven't done any theatre in over a decade.... So it sits in a file on my computer. I figured I would share it with you guys :) Over Eaters by ~Candace Ortiz Beyond the cluttered waters of the sink basin, across the tiled…
I'm heading to the comedy club tonight (omg a night out, REALLY?! I'm a mom, I have no life LOL) and I just realized, we will probably grab a drink or three... My husband and I don't go out often and we rarely drink when we do so I have no idea what are some good choices to keep my calories down. Any suggestions would be…