I have a problem with the my sports bras. I have tried severa brasl and I was even sized for one so I knew it fit good. But they have all rubbed underneath my breast leaving a very raw spot that hurts. I usually have to cover it with a huge bandaid until its healed up. I have two other friends that have the same issue and…
Hello Everyone. Before I get to my actual question I will tell you a little bit about me. I don't post on here very often but I have been on my journey for awhile now and have lost 60lbs with 48 more to go. I decided several months back that I wanted to teach an exercise class because I felt like I could give back and to…
Has anyone had a very close friend ask you this? I was dumbfounded because I don't feel like I am obsessed. Now I am feeling a littIe self conscious about it. I am wondering if I am talking about my exercise or weight loss too much. Are people offended that I am syked about going to an exercise class. The way I saw it I…
I saw a post that someone had for a Oatmeal that she put in the crockpot while on vacation. It had like cranberries and some other stuff in it. I have searched for it but can't find the exact one! I would really like to find that person or recipe again. Anyone know??