How do I add P90X to my daily workout?
what is the best DVD to start off with?
sooo not motivated. havent been for about 2 weeeks. but i am still eating right...well trying to. Its been REALLY ruff. family, its self...
im almost half way there!!! IM SO EXCITED to be reaching my goal!! NOw to fit more working out, rather than just eating right. Its just hard to find time in my busy life :( but i will do it even if its at the end of the night, or EARLY in the morning :) thx all for the support...definently need it!!!
Hello all, my name is Christina and I’m 24yrs old... on Monday :) .. So I have been at this for a week now, my friend started at the beginning of January and got me started last week. So far I have lost 2lbs!! I have 2 children, a 5yr old and a 1yr old, definitely got my hand full :) This is my first time doing a diet…