Hello all, my name is Christina and I’m 24yrs old... on Monday :)..

So I have been at this for a week now, my friend started at the beginning of January and got me started last week. So far I have lost 2lbs!! I have 2 children, a 5yr old and a 1yr old, definitely got my hand full :) This is my first time doing a diet program, and I’m excited to lose my "baby weight" that I haven’t lost. My Beginning weight was 172, my current weight is 170 and I plan to be 140. I weighed about that before I had my first child. (5yrs ago) So I hope to reach that point very soon lol :)

I feel like I don’t have much time to work out, let a long time for myself period. I’m up at 445AM and running until 900PM. work, kids, cooking, cleaning, sleep...and then all over again. So I think to myself.. that yes I’m getting enough exercise, running around with the kids after we get home, but is that really enough.?? I walk a lot at work, but I think I need to be doing MORE..and will. My friend does work outs at home with her WII so I will start doing that too. And my son LOVEs playing the WII so I know he will have fun with that too.

I know I have a problem with portion control, which MFP is helping me out a lot with keeping that under control. This is a new thing for me, and I’m ready to battle it out, to make myself look and feel healthier and better, for myself, and my kids!!

