Experiences with yoga/pilates?
I haven't been exercising much lately because with work/uni/studying, I haven't found much time. Today is the start of my holidays so I decided to join the gym! I don't need to lose weight, I have got to a great point I'm happy with just by eating healthy, but I need to tone and gain strength so I though I'd do Pilates,…
What to do with egg yolks!?
I'm always baking recipes that only require egg whites, or I sometimes use them on my face (This isn't weird - I swear! :laugh: ) Anyway, I feel horrible just throwing out the yolk....all that delicious good fat :cry: SO does anyone know what I can do with them? Recipes that involve only egg yolk - or more egg yolk than…
Guilt-free Indulgences?
I was just thinking to myself whilst eating my blueberry Chobani Greek yogurt, how amazing it i that I can still enjoy many things that satisfy the sweet tooth and feel like you're surely eating something bad for you! For example, I have greek yogurt every night for dessert..I even look forward to it during the day! I…
Calorie count help! - Fish and Chips
Okay, so I finished all my uni exams as of today, and my dad got fish and chip takeout as a (surprise) treat. I absolutely LOVE fish and chips, and I am grateful and normally wouldn't care (because I let myself have treats here and there), BUT i've kind of been eating really bad lately due to pre-exam and study stress! So…
BRAIN FOOD - Exam tomorrow!
Hey guys! I have a uni exam tomorrow which I am very nervous about, and am trying to benefit myself as much as possible. I don't see much point in studying as hard as I am, if I'm just going to get tired and distracted half way through! Soooo what would you guys suggest I should eat before my exam? I've heard SO many…
Help! Going out for dinner tonight!
Hi everyone! So, for the past week, i've kind of been a bit slack with my healthy eating, due to a load of uni assignments and stress. Then yesterday me and my boyfriend broke up, so I kind of binged out on chocolate last night, naturally :S Anyway, tonight is my brothers birthday and we're all going to Montezumas (Mexican…