Motivation and Advice
I recently met with the wellness lady at my university and talked with her about the whole health approach and why she doesn’t like the “jogging and broccoli” stigma that wellness programs have. I was disappointed because I WANTED a jogging and broccoli approach and personally felt like the other areas of my life…
Bouncing back from Binging...
So with three children and a full time job and a partner whose job keeps him at work until 9 or 10 at night I often find myself having really rough nights. Last night was one of those, and even though I had done a stellar job during the daytime hours as the stress piled on I found myself eating one, two, three pieces of…
Calories Burned - Accurate??
So I recently downloaded a new app to my phone. It appears to be taking into consideration how much I weigh when determining how many calories I burn. It just put me at 277 burned for a 2.1 mile per hour walk that lasted 47 minutes. the MFP calculator would have put me at 198 calories burned, quite a difference. Is it that…
Lemona and Lime Juice?
I read somewhere a while ago that lemon and lime juice added to your water will help you lose weight? Is this a myth?
Diet Soda
A coworker pulled me into her office yesterday and showd me part of a book she was reading on will power. The part she showed me was talking about diet soda and basically about all fake sweetened drinks, and said that the sweet taste tricks the body into thinking sugar is coming, so it releases glucose, but then there is…
Wii - My Fitness Coach 2 and Wii Fit
So I got a Wii in September and did the Wii fit part and it really was okay, and fun, but I didn't lose weight, just kind of bounced up and down with a range of about 5 lbs. Then for Christmas my mom got me "My Fitness Coach 2". Using that in combination with this site has been awesome! I have been doing the MFC2 for 3…