Whats your favorite race?
So I just finished my first Half Marathon in Akron, OH a couple of months ago. It was so amazing and such a rush, I loved every minute of it. So much that I want to continue running as many races as I can. I have decided to start a new life goal... to try and run a race in every US State. So far I ran a race in Virginia,…
What was your favorite Race?
So I just finished my first Half Marathon in Akron, OH a couple of months ago. It was so amazing and such a rush, I loved every minute of it. So much that I want to continue running as many races as I can. I have decided to start a new life goal... to try and run a race in every US State. So far I ran a race in Virginia,…
Urban Dare Race!
Hi all, I just registered for my first Urban Dare race in DC. It looks like a lot of fun www.urbandare.com Has anyone ever done one, or can offer some advise/share any stories?
Runners High!!
Hello MPF, I am currently training for my first half marathon on September 24th! I ran 10 miles last Sunday. I was wondering when will I hit that “Runner’s High” feeling everyone talks about. At what mile does everyone hit it? What does it feel like? I so need to experience it, because running sucks sometimes :)
Hot Yoga...
Has anyone heard of Hot Yoga? I guess it’s where you do yoga in a sauna type setting. My friend goes every week and supposedly you burn tons of calories... I am going with her tonight but I am hesitant as to if it really burns good calories or if it just makes you sweat? I know Yoga its self is a good work.… so I am just…
First Half Marathon!
Hi all. I am currently training for my first Half Marathon that will take place in September. I am looking for anyone else that is currently training or will be training. Just wondering if anyone as any advice for a novice like me. Any suggestions on how to deal with the higher mileage? I have tried the gels... they are…
Overcoming the Plateau??
I am getting so frustrated these 8 WEEKS!! I have gone from 207 to 208 back to 207 up to 209 back to 207 now at 208. I am following my calorie count... running three times a week....doing thirty day shred in-between the runs. I can’t seem to lose any more weight. Does anyone know how to over come this bump in my weight…
Best time to weigh yourself?
What is the best time to weigh yourself? I know they say in the morning before you eat anything. But I run every morning. I hear that you weigh more after running. Is this true? Some say you should weigh yourself at night before you go to bed. What is everyone's preference?