A little personal and just out of curiosity, do any of the men here who lift heavy and often (3 - 6 times a week) find that their libido has been negatively impacted in any way? (i.e. Do you find yourself wanting sex less often? Are you wanting sex with your partner less often? Less sexual desire in general?)
Has anyone else used/tried this stuff? It's a "performance fuel." My boyfriend started using it last week and I tried it today for the first time. I only took half a scoop and it tastes like crap but I LOVE it! :love:
Does anyone else blow up before they start their period? I hate even going near the scale around this time, it's just annoying.. :grumble:
I have a dairy allergy. Because of this, a lot of low-cal, high protein snacks are off-limits to me (i.e. cottage cheese). Does anyone know of any good alternatives? Even any protein powder brands would be helpful since all the big names contain whey and casein which are no-nos for me. I've used a President's Choice powder…
I've been struggling to get fit and stay that way for years! A few years back, I subscribed to a different website, tracked my food and worked out regularly and saw amazing results. After moving, going back to school, and changing jobs, I totally fell off the wagon and have been struggling ever since to get back on. The…