Anyone been told they had low blood sugar reading after the 1 hour glucose test? I did the 1 hour test, fasting- drank the glucose drink and my blood draw after 1 hour said a reading of 65. My midwife wasn't concerned, but did ask that I make sure and eat regularly, make sure I'm not shaky, etc. Anyone else- and if so,…
I am looking to purchase a body fat caliper for myself and was looking for some suggestions. What brand can you recommend? I know some people say they aren't accurate, but this is more for myself and to track progress. Any other tips or info are welcome, thanks!
Hi! My name is Blake, I am a 29 y.o. mom of 2 from NH. I had disc excision (similar to microdiscectomy) last week to repair 2 badly herniated dics- L4/L5 and L5/S1. My recovery has gone very well so far, but I have restrictions of no bending/lifting (more than 15 lbs)/twisting. These make my life a little more complicated…