So I've found some recipes on pinterest, but I'm looking for tested best protein pancake recipes. And go!
just started making my own but this is currently my favorite. Looking for other ideas! 0.3 cup nonsweetened almond milk 0.3 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt 2 tbs raw organic honey 2 tbs chia flax seeds 1 scoop idealfit chocolate brownie protein powder 1 banana 0.5 avocado Cinammon
just started making my own but this is currently my favorite. Looking for other ideas! 0.3 cup nonsweetened almond milk 0.3 cup nonfat plain greek yogurt 2 tbs raw organic honey 2 tbs chia flax seeds 1 scoop idealfit chocolate brownie protein powder 1 banana 0.5 avocado
I've always found when I get really into counting my calories and watching what I eat that my appetite shrinks to near nothing. I've gone days without eating before, other than drinking my protein shakes, just because I'm not hungry and I'm so busy with work and what not that I forget to eat. Does anyone else have this…
My goal for this month is 100 miles!