I am looking for someone to talk to about what can I do better and just run ideas by.
What iPhone apps do you use, out side of MFP. I have the p90x, fooducate, eat this not that, men's health workout, gym+ and Julian Micheal fat 2 fit, and heart rate monitor.
I just went to pei wei for lunch and I research what I wanted and figured out ahead of time what to get. I did get the thai curry with shrimp but did no rice and got the asian slaw instead. That is one NSV and the other I hate carrots and I just at the whole thing of asian slaw and it was good.
I am looking for a site to get full length fitness videos for training. Any ideas.
I am truly excited about getting in shape and healthy. In addition, I am happy that this site and the app amazing tools. I would totally recommend the app and the site to anyone. I think it is amazing and I want more friends and more people to help me on my wait. I feel a sense of motivation that I have never felt before.
My name is Scott and I am originally from Augusta but now I live in Austin, TX. So I guess my let you know about me, I currently weigh 257 lbs and I have a large frame according the all the test and measurements. Now, I have always been overweight expect for about 6 months, when I was fresh out of bootcamp where I was…