Hello! I'm Randi, 40, and a geek. My first love is Sci-Fi. I love the classics (Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, etc). I love new stuff (John C. Wright's Golden Age trilogy is amazeballs). I've been a dyed-to-the-wool Trekkie since I caught a syndicated episode of the original series when I was a little girl sneaking out in the…
Hello! I'm Randi, 40, mom of 6, and before my youngest (who is 7 1/2 years old), I was a serious gym rat. A combination of a rough pregnancy and lots of major life changes (great for our family, but still very big adjustments) was where I developed a habit of turning to food for stress relief instead of the gym. I've…
Hello! I'm Randi, 36-year-old military wife and mother of 6. (Yes, that wasn't a typo. They are all mine, all from the same father, and all planned. :) ) In the past I've had rough pregnancies where I gain a boatload of weight. I've always been highly motivated to lose it after the baby is born, I think more out of the…