I just found a website that those of us who use the Zumba Fitness system can use to calculate how many calories we have burned. I just used it and it doesn't cost anything.....the website is: CaloriesBurnedHQ.com/zumba-calories-burned I hope this helps!!
I usually work 7-10 hour days. I am on my feet for the entire time. I'm constantly walking, on the go. Can I take this into consideration on my exercise journal? If so, how do I do this?? I'd appreciate any input anyone has!!!
I know that losing weight is much easier when talking with people who are going through the same process that you are. So with that in mind, I'm looling for people in the Bangor, Maine area who are beginning that weight loss journey! :smile: :smile:
Is anyone out there using the Zumba Exhilerate Program?? How has it been working for you? I've just gotten the program and am excited to get started!