I usually cook everything fresh when I count calories. This time around I'm eating more packaged foods because it is so hard with two little ones to do what I would prefer. I'm off to a good start though! 16.5 pounds so far! I've got about 30 to go. :) Let's be friends!
OK so I got pregnant in March. I weighed 155. I was hoping to lose weight before hand and start my pregnancy at 130-135. Didn't happen!!! So I've been eating lots of healthy fruits and veggies and lean meats for good nutrition, but I've also been eating a lot of butter, mayo, and deserts! Woopsy ;P So now im only at 22.5…
So I ordered a spiral slicer (only $30 on Amazon) and a Raw Cookbook that just came in a couple days ago. I tried my first recipe last night and it was unbelievable!!!! I ate a low calorie breakfast and lunch so I could afford to eat the recipe to its entirety (I even had enough left after dinner to have a Vita Top Deep…
I will have 1-2 cutie clementines, or 10 almonds for most of my snacks. I like skinny cow icecream and twizzlers. The only thing I can eat larger snacky amounts of (like if I'm watching a movie) is those 100 calorie bags of popcorn. Any other snack ideas? I don't like getting bored. :)
So I try to eat lots of vegetables. I like raw veggie sticks (carrots, celery, asparagus, squash, zucchini, califlower, red pepper, or anything else I come up with) with almond butter for my lunches a lot of the time. I cook some kind of veggie for dinners, and I like a salad here and there. So when I go the grocery store…