Hi, Am going to start a 6 week Boot Camp tomorrow & thought I'd stick it on here in case there's anyone else who's keen? The site is: http://www.efit30.com.au/6-week-boot-camp-train-like-an-olympian-efit30/ It then links up with YouTube for each training day with a workout. Cheers!
Hi Guys! I'm out to quit sugar tomorrow and am keen to connect with others trying to do this as well. I know it's going to be really hard in the first week, so my thought is to maybe post instead of eat... sweets that is!
Hi Guys! I'm ready to train! I'm starting a home boot camp cycle and none of my friends here or home want to do it, so I thought I'd jump on here to get some motivation. I'm going to cut out sugar which will be my biggest obstacle and start to bring in a more healthy varied diet. It's not terrible at the moment but could…