soooooo.... I have a B-A-U-tiful Red Polar FT7 that is my little personal motivator... How often should I update the User Information in it (i.e. weight)??? NSV - I just updated it and that last time it was updated was 13 pounds ago!!! lol YAY!!! I was like" WOW!! I was 184 when I bought this thing!!!!!
NSV - Sooo back in 2009 I had to buy new jeans for a trip to Vegas for a work convention... (cause I'm not hanging with collegues after hours with overflow of muffin top! no no!) Weeeeellll, I got to the point wear I couldn't fit into those jeans like I should have..... Well.... I can fit into them again!!!!! YAY!!!…
ok... FIRST let me say I KNOW that we all need water and in abundance, BUT my question is... you hear about using a diretic/water pills to "shed excess water"... Do you really carry "excess water"? Wouldn't it just all come right back if you turned your body into a desert? ....
Sooo... I'm just curious to see responses... Sensitive subject... Do you feel that parents/guardians of obese children should be questioned regarding Child Neglect/Abuse?…
I think I'm over-compensating when I go for my walks.... hwo can I correct? I've tried leading off with my left but that didnt' seem to help... am I droping my right hip too much when I walk? I have no clue how to fix this!! =(
I seems like it's a nurtrition store...? like GNC? or is it like a program? Not sure what it's all about... What do they offer? has it been beneficial for you?
Ok... so.... you know when you exercise, you burn calories.... AFTER your workout is complete, you still burn a many more calories for about 30-45 minutes after your done exercising.... Shouldn't you leave your heart Rate Monitor on to gauge your TRUE calorie count? and report that TRUE calorie count? is that why they say…