My goal was to be able to fit back into my size 18 shorts for spring. Now, I know that still seems huge for some of you skinny-minis, but it was just my first goal. My pants were falling off to the point that I threatened to go without today, so my dear husband went to the garage to get the tote of size 18 clothes. Guess…
Okay, it seems obvious why I would not want to go over on fat or carbs or sodium, but why is it bad to be in the red zone on protein or fiber?
Okay, here I am. I look in the mirror and hate what I see. Thankfully, my husband loves me and thinks I'm beautiful, but I want to be the best I can be for him and our children. I especially fear what will happen to my health if I continue in this direction. (75 lbs overweight) I have been a member for 4 days? now. What I…