I was going along so good losing weight, going to the gym 5 to 6 days a week, eating better. Then all of the sudden my lower back starts to hurt the day after I excercise, not during but after. So I took a 2 day break from the gym, went back the next day after the work out! It is back again. I don't want to stop…
So last night I cheated and had a bowl of spaghetti with meat sauce. Yes I know... bad.. bad!! But now this morning I feel blah, run down, tired, just want to go back to bed. Could it be from the food last night? I slept fine, had almost eight hours of sleep. I am not PMSing. Maybe my body has already adjusted to the good…
Would love to have some clarification on how much water I should be drinking daily? Some say eight glasses, some say half of your body weight in ounces (yikes)!!! I have a hard time consuming even four glasses a day, can't imagine eight, or half of my body weight! Any tips on how much to drink, and how to drink that much!