I know with weight loss its expected to lose some lean body mass along with fat. I'm sure it also depends on many factors such as how overweight you are, if you're weight training etc. If there's no straight forward answer maybe you can look over my weight loss for this year Jan 2016 ... 182lbs ... 31.0%fat ... 56lbs fat…
Sooo not only am I gluten intolerant, I am intolerant to corn, which is in like, everything! I have to shop at Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and my local co-op if I want to avoid those corn chemicals. I don't react to them like I used to, but its really uspetting when I do. It's just a reminder how disgusting our country's…
I am sooooo frustrated!! I gained all this weight over months of not watching what I ate, after I had already become very thin for what my body was used to (140lbs at 5' 9") I was running, and doing heavy lifting at my job early in the morning. Of course I turned to sweets and fats to make up for stress! My body has been…