Any ladies with (hypothalamic) amenorrhea?

I am sooooo frustrated!!

I gained all this weight over months of not watching what I ate, after I had already become very thin for what my body was used to (140lbs at 5' 9") I was running, and doing heavy lifting at my job early in the morning. Of course I turned to sweets and fats to make up for stress! My body has been slowly gaining (160lbs now, one year later) but even when I want to lose I just can't! I also still haven't had my period in a year! I quit the heavy lifting job last month, but now my job is about delivering/walking/standing 35 hours a week. I upped my calories to be "active" but my body is very resistant to losing! My doctor tells me I have Hypothalamic Amenhorrhea, very low estrogen, and my body will want to gain on its own. He even suggested I GAIN 5 pounds! Whaa? I'm 24 BMI already! I have 24% body fat or so. I don't even fit an A cup, so the allotted fat for that is actually in my thighs and calves. I don't fit regular pants, so I'm dying to just be normal! And here I'm told to gain weight, and my body will do it naturally anyway? Ughh!

Running is therapeutic for me, and helped slim down my thighs before. I'm hoping treadmill running without an incline can be a lower impact way for me to target the fat, not just build more muscle! Of course need to eat healthier overall, but it hasn't seemed to help.

I'm dying to fit back into my normal clothes, not even the skinny ones! I only fit one pair of my jeans...two sizes larger!
Anyone out there with support / advice / experiences?


  • lucyprunner
    Hi there,
    I have a sneaking suspicion I have it so I'm seeing my doctor in a couple of weeks.
    When I know more I will let you know.