Any of you going to or already use cloth diapers? After having my 3yo still in diapers right now. We have decided to go cloth for #2. i have started reading as much as I can to make sure I am set on this before spending all the money, But i think it just seems to make sense. The one thing I am most worried about is leaking.
I don't know about you, but I feel like I am at the Dr.'s all the time now. I nervously went to my high risk dr. yesterday to see if we had any changes (hoping we did not). Well it turning out great! I am no longer classified as having Placenta Previa. In fact, he said unless I have any major problems, I don't have to come…
I am due in May and baby is already 4.15lb. I am working full time and trying to help my husband keep up with our 3yo. My back is killing me from holding this big boy up. I use a Belly Band but am thinking I might need to get something more supportive. Have any of you used any kind of harness or supportive belly belt? Any…
Can I just whine for a min? :) This pregnancy is so much harder than my first. I don't know if its my age or what. But I have had morning sickness a lot this past week. I have be nauseous, very sleepy, have heart burn and have had bad headaches almost everyday. I work full time and it is so hard to function when all I want…