Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..
Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you? One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!
DIM supplements, any experience?
Hello there! at the moment I am looking into DIM supplements, Di indol methane if I'm correct. It can help stabilize etrogen levels in the body. Why I am looking into it? DIM should help metabolize fat on legs and thighs, for me this is a problem area. This could be the case because my etrogen levels are out of whack. Does…
Salad without nutritional info (Dutch)
Hello all! A question from Holland (maybe some people from there who can especially help me!?) I'm lookin at this salad from the supermarket I bought. Problem is: no nutritional info. Only it does have an ingredientlist. Here goes: carrot, white cabbage, bell pepper, pickled onions, pineapple, sweetener, vinegar. But no…
Arrrghhh food addict
Hello all! Ok I already knew that I was addicted to food, but Sunday I proved myself once again! I had dinner at my parents house, it was a holiday here in Holland. And even though I'm filled up already, I can keep going and going. Chocolates, dessert, coffee, cookies, you name it. And aftwerwards my stomach even hurts and…
To weigh or not to weigh?
Ok: last Saturday I went for a cup of tea to my parents. Had dinner planned at home, calories even calculated in advance! BUT! With the tea came fresh muffins. On first thought I was strong and stuck to my plan.. but on second thought: I caved! I was far under my calories every day for two weeks and allowed myself to have…