Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..

Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!


  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    Do your treadmills have heart rate sensors on the handlebars? Most do. The people grabbing the handlebars might be trying to get a read on their heart rate.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I hate it when people sing along outloud with the music on their ipod...

    Or if they simply sound like a herd of elephants on that treadmill like the guy yesterday. He wasn't heavy, he just ran heavily, lol.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    When they crank up the incline and hang on for dear life.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

    This. I'm self conscious enough in my 3rd week at the gym without knowing the runner on the next treadmill is judging me for holding the handles.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    I hate it when people sing along outloud with the music on their ipod...

    Or if they simply sound like a herd of elephants on that treadmill like the guy yesterday. He wasn't heavy, he just ran heavily, lol.

    The SING out LOUD whilst on the TM??

    They obviously aren't working out hard enough, crank their speed and incline up, that should stop 'em

    only kidding haha
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,631 Member
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

    This. I'm self conscious enough in my 3rd week at the gym without knowing the runner 4 treadmills down is judging me for holding the handles.

    They might look like they can see, but they won't be able to view your stats on the machine without extreme effort.

    If they suddenly whizz off the end, then you will know what they have been doing :wink:
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    People who can't focus and get into the zone of their own workout and zonk out to what you are doing. Focus on the task at hand and what is before you. Leave the distraction and the scattered mindset of the multi-tasking out of exercise.
  • Ottinger13
    Ottinger13 Posts: 55 Member
    When they decide to talk to someone on their iphone and hold a conversation in the same voice they would be talking to me. Nothing like a sudden Hey, how are you? that is not directed at you, but an imaginary person on the other end of an ear piece
  • MissSusieQ
    MissSusieQ Posts: 533 Member
    i hate feeling like the person next to me is competing with me.

    i'm insanely competitive, and get really discouraged if i feel like i'm not 'winning'. not being particularly fit, i rarely 'win', so ive gone to a deliberate effort to not go to the gym with people i know, because i'll just compare myself to them and end up feeling bad.

    so when the stranger next to me is looking at my speed and incline and then bumping theirs up higher, it just makes me want to give up and go home!
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Who cares what other people are doing
  • DaniKenmir
    DaniKenmir Posts: 387 Member
    Mine has no fan or aircon... Mostly because it's under my house but it still sucks! :P
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    the only thing that bothers me is standing still
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    What bugs ME is people nosying into my workout and judging me for doing what I'm doing... Does it affect your weight loss or performance if I'M holding on to MY handlebars? Why on earth should it bug you?:huh: I may be checking my heart rate, I may be new and worried about flying off the end (that WAS me when I first started actually :laugh: ), I may have a balance issue... who cares unless it is actually interfering with your ability to do your workout? Concentrate on YOUR workout and you won't notice the poor probably already-self-consious handlebar-grabbers.
  • daz_automatic
    One guy got on the treadmill next to me the other day and literally started throwing punches as if he was Rocky jogging down the streets of Philadelphia!

    Needless to say it was short lived, he got off after only a few minutes :noway:
  • BigDougie1211
    BigDougie1211 Posts: 3,530 Member
    One guy got on the treadmill next to me the other day and literally started throwing punches as if he was Rocky jogging down the streets of Philadelphia!

    Needless to say it was short lived, he got off after only a few minutes :noway:

    Just warming up/cooling down and loosening the arms up a bit maybe?
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    The woman on the treadmill next to me on her phone making this thread.
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!
  • susiepet
    susiepet Posts: 68
    I know this is a bike thing not a treadmill one - and I know gyms can be boring - but doing a crossword whilst cycling (slowly I might add)???
    Actually I once saw someone eating crisps - admittedly a skinny teenager but still....
  • julialla
    julialla Posts: 232 Member
    There is this one woman at the gym, who I will run into occaasionally working out next to me on the treadmill. She is tiny (I'd say 5'1 and probably no more than 90 pounds) but she seriously just pounds hard on the treadmill. She lets her whole body weight flunk onto the belt with each step. Boom boom boom boom......You'd like being so small she'd be quiet---but it is the loudest most obnoxious noise ever, even with headphones full up. And she wails her arms like she is escaping for dear life high in the air. This is the only person I've found to really bug me and get under my skin at the gym....