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Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I know this is a bike thing not a treadmill one - and I know gyms can be boring - but doing a crossword whilst cycling (slowly I might add)???
    Actually I once saw someone eating crisps - admittedly a skinny teenager but still....

    I see 2 women doing this in my gym every single morning. They have been members for at least a year (I see them every morning I am there). I don't quite understand this either, especially in the case of these ladies, they appear to be the same (or close to the same) size as they have always been. I don't understand the reasoning behind paying for a gym membership if your body doesn't change upon multiple uses per week over a year's time of said membership.
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    One guy got on the treadmill next to me the other day and literally started throwing punches as if he was Rocky jogging down the streets of Philadelphia!

    Needless to say it was short lived, he got off after only a few minutes :noway:

    OMG there is a guy at my gym that does this in the steam room!!! Why??
    He jogs on the spot, thorwing punches all over the place! As if it's not hot enough in there already lol luckly its quite a big room so no one's had a right hook to the head ... yet!
    Does make me laugh though :laugh:
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    People on treadmills don't bother me. Their behavior doesn't impact my workout routine. Now the bench press club in the weight training area... they bug me! They all stand around, about 12 of them, and take turns watching someone do bench presses. Half the time nobody is on the bench but they watch it. This keeps me and others from using it. They also make it difficult to move around back there.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    People who shuffle-jog in slippers or flip-flops. People who shake their heads and fling sweat all over the people on the treadmills next to them. People who drown themselves in perfume or reek of cigarettes and get on right next to me and trigger my asthma. :sick:
  • mixedlollies
    mixedlollies Posts: 58 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!

    Haha me too. Why not just walk up and down your street?! That's free!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I know this is a bike thing not a treadmill one - and I know gyms can be boring - but doing a crossword whilst cycling (slowly I might add)???
    Actually I once saw someone eating crisps - admittedly a skinny teenager but still....

    I see 2 women doing this in my gym every single morning. They have been members for at least a year (I see them every morning I am there). I don't quite understand this either, especially in the case of these ladies, they appear to be the same (or close to the same) size as they have always been. I don't understand the reasoning behind paying for a gym membership if your body doesn't change upon multiple uses per week over a year's time of said membership.

    There are several people at my gym who have been going there for at least 4 years (as long or longer than me) and haven't changed a bit in appearance. They go all the time, and appear to be putting in the effort. I think they are probably healthier for it, but they haven't dropped any weight.

    The only explanation I can think of is that they are exercising and then eating a bunch of crap to make up for it - and therefore, are maintaining even though they are exercising. I know that this can happen, since I gained 5 pounds training for and completing my first full marathon. Training gave me an appetite and I wasn't tracking calories, so up went the weight! :laugh:
  • AQ3107
    AQ3107 Posts: 81 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    As a rule I always run outside but I have a treadmill at home and use it on the rare occasions when the weather is crxp.

    It truly bugs me when my home bunny jumps on the treadmill and start racing with me.
    And the poor bugger thinks he's gonna win - I really really hate that.
  • bre1833
    bre1833 Posts: 34 Member
    When someone comes and gets on the treadmill right next to me and there are like 20 other open treadmills.
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    when they walk backwards (one guy even does a side-to-side crab walk). I mean WTF?
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    When someone comes and gets on the treadmill right next to me and there are like 20 other open treadmills.

    ^this. so completely irritating. the only thing I can figure is that they must have a favorite spot that they go to no matter what. but even still, if a whole row is empty you should at least space yourself out from me by one. but I've come to think most people are just oblivious to such common sense.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    when they walk backwards (one guy even does a side-to-side crab walk). I mean WTF?

    It works different muscles, same concept as going up hill or down hill backwards, a lot of people do it actually.
  • suzywantsitall
    suzywantsitall Posts: 85 Member
    What bugs me most is when they get OFF and don't wipe the machine down. I am at Planet Fitness and they have signs posted every few feet. But yet some think their sweat is worth sharing ! ECK ....
  • shoneybabes
    shoneybabes Posts: 199 Member
    Why does it bug you? Let it go, what is the point of being frustrated over other people? There are other things to be thinking about than how people annoy you on a treadmill.

    I recommend running outside if it is an issue. Don't have to worry about other folk.

    At least these people are exercising. :)
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    What bugs ME is people nosying into my workout and judging me for doing what I'm doing... Does it affect your weight loss or performance if I'M holding on to MY handlebars? Why on earth should it bug you?:huh: I may be checking my heart rate, I may be new and worried about flying off the end (that WAS me when I first started actually :laugh: ), I may have a balance issue... who cares unless it is actually interfering with your ability to do your workout? Concentrate on YOUR workout and you won't notice the poor probably already-self-consious handlebar-grabbers.

    Ah, you beat me to it!
  • teebeegeebee
    teebeegeebee Posts: 218 Member

    I have several pet hates on the treadmill....

    1 the guy or girl next to you decides to compete only they are 30 years younger and weigh about 100lbs less than i do
    2 in competing they have zero incline on their machine whilst im pushing along at anything up to 10% incline
    3 they want to chat to you.....while the sweat fountain is running all down my face the last thing I want to do is chat....
    4 work colleagues always call when i hit the treadmill - for goodness sake after work is my time .....

    rant over I love my gym time - great post
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!

    Haha me too. Why not just walk up and down your street?! That's free!

    I think this one is a little unfair - people have different starting points. like there was a senior next to me walking - he has every right to use the treadmill too. also, I walk some and I run some, it just depends. I would prefer outside but its cold.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    i hate feeling like the person next to me is competing with me.

    i'm insanely competitive, and get really discouraged if i feel like i'm not 'winning'. not being particularly fit, i rarely 'win', so ive gone to a deliberate effort to not go to the gym with people i know, because i'll just compare myself to them and end up feeling bad.

    so when the stranger next to me is looking at my speed and incline and then bumping theirs up higher, it just makes me want to give up and go home!

    I'm evil. I love to compete on treadmill. But I don't have to look over at anyone's display to see that I'm winning. I can tell when I'm going faster, harder and further than the guy next to me. Bwahahaha! (I keep it to myself, though. Probably most people couldn't tell what I'm thinking.) :devil:
  • kg4ulu
    kg4ulu Posts: 39 Member

    I'm there to focus on me!
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I don't understand why what other people do bothers you? I'm not being smart, but some people have a balance problem. I run mostly outside, however when I run on the treadmill I hold on most of the time. We ARE all different. We all have our things that bug us that other people do, however they really aren't doing it to bug you.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    good lord some of the complaints ive read in this thread are ridiculous

    This is why I do cardio in a hoodie w/headphones - block out the world