Help with knee pain - Seeking recommendations
Hi, fitness pals. Been hitting the gym regularly for Zumba and some other high-impact classes and I have some resulting soreness in my knees. Went to the ortho who said to get good shoes, good insoles, try a joint formula and lose some more weight. Well, I have the shoe and insole part done. The weight I'm working on....…
Jenny Craig newbie-love My Fitness Pal
Hi! I'm an outgoing resident of Memphis starting a 68 pound weight loss journey. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family, so since I turned 40 this year I HAD to get on the ball to lose this extra padding. Joined My Fitness in 2011, but didn't do well on WW. So, I'm doing Jenny Craig this time. Day 3 on Jenny Craig and…
Week 1 done-Week 1 Success!
First weigh-in on JC and I'm down 4.2 pounds! Whoot! I stayed on plan 97% and did some light walking. This week I'm going to stay on plan 98% and throw in some Zumba classes. Let's see if I can keep my momentum going :)