I either read or heard somewhere that while tracking your water consumption you can count any coffee or ice tea. Is that true or can you only count plain water?
I asked my hubby if he was willing to only eat red meat 3-4 times a week and he got slightly upset. I mean what can I say the man like his meat. By all means he is not over weight at all he is about 5 8 or 5 9 and weigh in the lower 100's. I want to know if it is ok to eat more then that in a week. I want to add meat to…
Hello all I am a 24 year old housewife and college student. I have three toddlers and am looking to lose 75 pounds. I weighed 145 before I started having kids and gave birth to three in three years. my oldest and middle are 15 months apart and my middle and youngest are 10 months apart. I am working on a BA in business…