Hello everybody! I would like some advise from the experts on here: I have been a runner for some years now, started training more seriously for goals and races a little over 1 year back. Now, I want to upgrade my training schedule by using HR-zones. What it the best gear for that? Who can advise me? Some facts to…
Hi folks! I have been an on-and-off leisure runner for a few years, never really measuring distance or pace. I started more seriously since january, joined some great local races and I really enjoy to see my progress! Now there is 1 race that has been my 'goalrace' since january: a tough 10k the end of september consisting…
Hi everybody, I need some advice from the food experts on here. My father-in-law has been diagnosed with the progressive neurodegenerative disease ALS (also known as Lou Gehrigs). It means he has muscle atrophia all over his body, which will eventually be fatal because his breathing will stop. He has lost over 24 kilo, a…