Anyone Else doing a DietBet
I just won a 4-week DietBet and started the 6-month version. I find that having money on the line is good motivation for sticking with my exercise and portion control. Anyone else doing this or considering it? dietbetter.com
When Posts about Eating Less than 1000 Calories get you Down
Just remember how many people underestimate what they eat. Maybe these people are actually eating a healthy amount!
Topics You Must Click Oh
Like the title says... which topics MUST you click on whenever you see them? Here are a few of mine: Husband/Mom/BFF is Not Supportive Doing Everything Right but Not Losing Should I Try this Crazy Plan? anything invovling Freelee the Banana Girl
Food Pushers Who Call You Fat
This is a fascinating phenomena to me: people (usually relatives) who will complain about someone being fat but then push extra food on that person. It hasn't happened to me so much, but I've seen and heard of it happening to others. Like, "It's too bad you're so big... here, take this cake home. No, you MUST take it." Has…