Halfway there Success/Progress Report
Jan 12 - May 12....four months Lost 40 lbs Diet only, no working out (yet) I started at 268 and I'm down to 226. Now that I have 40 lbs less to be pounding on my knees and feet I'm going to start walking a couple miles a day and doing C25K At 54 yrs old and 5'11" I have 12 more pounds to go from OBESE to just OVERWEIGHT.…
Fargin' A-holes
When you are dealing with an INTERNET based company and all transactions are INSTANTANEOUS with the click of a button, why in the world does iTunes say "please allow 10 days for your changes to take affect" when I told them to stop sending me their BOWLSH!T promotional offers. :devil:
Bathrooms...open door policy?
Do you prefer bathroom door open or closed while you're doing your business? What about when others are in there doing their business? Free Pass to stay-at-home moms who have toddlers to watch or in the middle of potty training, I'm talking more about adults here.
Any possum recipes?
It's not just for breakfast anymore... Possum, the OTHER other white meat. Who has any recipes?
Painful secret to low calorie eating..
Had oral surgery today....struggling to consume even 800 calories! I've had jello, pudding, cottage cheese, Ensure, chopped up penne pasta, and now some campbell's soup. I was supposed to get a root canal on this tooth last October, but once the Doc got started she said there wouldn't be enough tooth left to do anything…
Stavation mode for cars
I've discovered that cars also have a 'starvation' mode. A full gas tank will confuse your car into thinking it can run forever so it doesn't care how many miles per gallon it gets. I would always fill up my car with gas and was always trying to get better miles-per-gallon but my gas mileage hit a plateau. So I started to…